Academic Transition Grant
Opens Apr 1 2024 12:00 AM (EDT)
Deadline Jan 15 2025 05:00 PM (EST)

The purpose of the Academic Transition Grant is to provide research funding that will facilitate the establishment of a record of independent research by the investigator, promoting a successful academic career.

This funding mechanism is intended for pilot or seed grant projects that tests a new idea or helps support a new area or direction of research in interventional radiology. Applicants should propose research that advances the science of interventional radiology. It is highly encouraged to submit the Proposal Development Form or undergo the Pre-Review process when applying for this grant.

Projects may include but are not limited to topics such as:

  • Explore the role of IVUS or other intravascular imaging in determining endpoints in chronic limb ischemia
  • Explore the role of ultrasound imaging in arteriovenous lesion identification pre-procedure to improve interventions
  • Investigating the role of SVC stenting in oncologic patients
  • Defining the best interventions for superficial vein disease (thermal vs. non-thermal) 
  • Comparing IR for spine interventions for pain to external beam radiation with a particular focus on the length of stay
  • Review patient outcomes of adenomyosis treatment for all patients through the development of a quality-of-life questionnaire
  • Evaluate imaging criteria of adenomyosis and correlate with pathology and symptoms to establish a non-invasive imaging classification system


Funding up to $35,000 for 12 months (1 year)


  • Full-time faculty members at an accredited educational institution in the United States or Canada who have been in academia five years or less and do not have any other research funding.
  • Candidate must hold an MD, DO, PhD, or equivalent degree.
  • Must be an active member of the Society of Interventional Radiology (SIR) 
  • Applicant must be over the age of 40 years. 
  • Applicant must have completed three or more years of private or non-academic practice and show a commitment to applying those skills learned in private practice to research and academics. 
  • Applicants must be citizens of the United States or Canada, or have permanent resident status therein. 
    • Permanent residents must submit documentation of this status after notice of funding.
    • If an applicant is at an institution in the U.S. or Canada, and is on a visa, a letter from the department chair guaranteeing completion of the project will be required. 
  • Grant FAQs
    • Are multi-PI applications allowed?
      • Multi-PI applications are allowed. However, SIR Foundation’s ability to approve a multi-PI grant will be dependent upon the applicants’ institutional policy to execute a multi-PI agreement with SIR Foundation. A contact PI must also be established and identified at the time of application submission.
    • Can applicants apply for more than one SIR Foundation grant?
      • Yes, applicants are able to apply for more than one grant, but not in one grant cycle. Previous SIR Foundation grant awardees are also eligible and encouraged for the Reviewer-in-training Program.
    • I do not have an adviser or mentor, where can I find one?
      • If you are an SIR member, you access the Mentor Match Program where you can request a mentor that matches your specific interests in IR.
    • Can those in a SIR or SIR Foundation leadership role apply for a grant?       
      • The Society of Interventional Radiology (SIR) Foundation is a scientific nonprofit organization that was created for the purposes of advancing scientific knowledge in the field of interventional radiology, increasing the number of skilled investigators, and developing innovative therapies that lead to improved patient care and quality of life. It is critical to SIR Foundation that those serving in appointed leadership positions avoid conflicts of interest. The decisions and actions of those in our leadership positions must be made solely for the benefit of SIR Foundation. 
        • 1) SIR members currently serving in a leadership position in the SIR or SIR Foundation** are not eligible to apply for or receive new grant/research funding from the SIR Foundation during the term of their tenure.
        • 2) A principal investigator (primary recipient or transfer recipient) of a SIR Foundation grant is not eligible to apply for or to receive further SIR Foundation funding until after the completion of the existing SIR Foundation funding. Completion includes submission of a Final Report to the SIR Foundation, and SIR Foundation signoff of that report.  
        • ** defined as: Board of Directors, members of the Steering Council, Clinical Specialty Councilors, Chair/vice Chair of an SIR/SIR Foundation Committee, Division or Section.


An Interim Progress Report (IPR) is required after the first six (6) months of the project. A Final Progress Report (FPR) must be submitted within sixty (60) days of the project's completion. All reports will be submitted electronically. No-Cost Extension (NCE) Requests may also be made throughout the term of the project life cycle.


It is strongly suggested that recipients submit their work primarily to JVIR or to the SIR Annual Scientific Meeting. Requests to submit to other meetings or journals will be entertained.  Such requests should be made in writing to the SIR Foundation Grants Team and include the reason why submission to the alternate meeting or journal is more appropriate. All posters, oral presentations, and publications must contain an appropriate acknowledgment of SIR Foundation’s support.

Please read the full guidelines before submission available at

If you have any questions or concerns about the application or guidelines, please contact the SIR Foundation Grants Team.

Applicants will be notified by early April of their award decisions. 

Deadline to Apply: 5 pm EST on January 15th 


Academic Transition Grant

The purpose of the Academic Transition Grant is to provide research funding that will facilitate the establishment of a record of independent research by the investigator, promoting a successful academic career.

This funding mechanism is intended for pilot or seed grant projects that tests a new idea or helps support a new area or direction of research in interventional radiology. Applicants should propose research that advances the science of interventional radiology. It is highly encouraged to submit the Proposal Development Form or undergo the Pre-Review process when applying for this grant.

Projects may include but are not limited to topics such as:

  • Explore the role of IVUS or other intravascular imaging in determining endpoints in chronic limb ischemia
  • Explore the role of ultrasound imaging in arteriovenous lesion identification pre-procedure to improve interventions
  • Investigating the role of SVC stenting in oncologic patients
  • Defining the best interventions for superficial vein disease (thermal vs. non-thermal) 
  • Comparing IR for spine interventions for pain to external beam radiation with a particular focus on the length of stay
  • Review patient outcomes of adenomyosis treatment for all patients through the development of a quality-of-life questionnaire
  • Evaluate imaging criteria of adenomyosis and correlate with pathology and symptoms to establish a non-invasive imaging classification system


Funding up to $35,000 for 12 months (1 year)


  • Full-time faculty members at an accredited educational institution in the United States or Canada who have been in academia five years or less and do not have any other research funding.
  • Candidate must hold an MD, DO, PhD, or equivalent degree.
  • Must be an active member of the Society of Interventional Radiology (SIR) 
  • Applicant must be over the age of 40 years. 
  • Applicant must have completed three or more years of private or non-academic practice and show a commitment to applying those skills learned in private practice to research and academics. 
  • Applicants must be citizens of the United States or Canada, or have permanent resident status therein. 
    • Permanent residents must submit documentation of this status after notice of funding.
    • If an applicant is at an institution in the U.S. or Canada, and is on a visa, a letter from the department chair guaranteeing completion of the project will be required. 
  • Grant FAQs
    • Are multi-PI applications allowed?
      • Multi-PI applications are allowed. However, SIR Foundation’s ability to approve a multi-PI grant will be dependent upon the applicants’ institutional policy to execute a multi-PI agreement with SIR Foundation. A contact PI must also be established and identified at the time of application submission.
    • Can applicants apply for more than one SIR Foundation grant?
      • Yes, applicants are able to apply for more than one grant, but not in one grant cycle. Previous SIR Foundation grant awardees are also eligible and encouraged for the Reviewer-in-training Program.
    • I do not have an adviser or mentor, where can I find one?
      • If you are an SIR member, you access the Mentor Match Program where you can request a mentor that matches your specific interests in IR.
    • Can those in a SIR or SIR Foundation leadership role apply for a grant?       
      • The Society of Interventional Radiology (SIR) Foundation is a scientific nonprofit organization that was created for the purposes of advancing scientific knowledge in the field of interventional radiology, increasing the number of skilled investigators, and developing innovative therapies that lead to improved patient care and quality of life. It is critical to SIR Foundation that those serving in appointed leadership positions avoid conflicts of interest. The decisions and actions of those in our leadership positions must be made solely for the benefit of SIR Foundation. 
        • 1) SIR members currently serving in a leadership position in the SIR or SIR Foundation** are not eligible to apply for or receive new grant/research funding from the SIR Foundation during the term of their tenure.
        • 2) A principal investigator (primary recipient or transfer recipient) of a SIR Foundation grant is not eligible to apply for or to receive further SIR Foundation funding until after the completion of the existing SIR Foundation funding. Completion includes submission of a Final Report to the SIR Foundation, and SIR Foundation signoff of that report.  
        • ** defined as: Board of Directors, members of the Steering Council, Clinical Specialty Councilors, Chair/vice Chair of an SIR/SIR Foundation Committee, Division or Section.


An Interim Progress Report (IPR) is required after the first six (6) months of the project. A Final Progress Report (FPR) must be submitted within sixty (60) days of the project's completion. All reports will be submitted electronically. No-Cost Extension (NCE) Requests may also be made throughout the term of the project life cycle.


It is strongly suggested that recipients submit their work primarily to JVIR or to the SIR Annual Scientific Meeting. Requests to submit to other meetings or journals will be entertained.  Such requests should be made in writing to the SIR Foundation Grants Team and include the reason why submission to the alternate meeting or journal is more appropriate. All posters, oral presentations, and publications must contain an appropriate acknowledgment of SIR Foundation’s support.

Please read the full guidelines before submission available at

If you have any questions or concerns about the application or guidelines, please contact the SIR Foundation Grants Team.

Applicants will be notified by early April of their award decisions. 

Deadline to Apply: 5 pm EST on January 15th 



Apr 1 2024 12:00 AM (EDT)
Jan 15 2025 05:00 PM (EST)